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Moree Plains Shire
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Online Reporting of Illegal Dumping
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Cooee Park Revitalisation
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Inland Rail
Inland Rail
Floodplain Risk Management
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Media Releases from Council
Moree Gateway
Moree Gateway
Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan
Help us grow the Shire
Moree Water Park
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Redevelopment of the MAAC
Redevelopment of the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC)
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How to set up Direct Debit
Moree Regional Airport
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Cemeteries in Moree Plains Shire
Gwydir Day Care
Bank Art Museum Moree (BAAM)
Halls around the Shire
Moree Markets
Parks and Facilities
Pool Complex's in the Shire
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RV Friendly Shire
Public Toilet Facilities
Moree Tourism
Be Road Ready for Harvest
Are you ready for harvest?
Child Car Seats
Age-appropriate child car seat
Double Demerit Points
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Farming equipment on our roads
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North West Weight of Loads
The North West Weight of Loads Group (NWWOL)
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Road Safety in Moree Plains
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Yes, you should invest in Moree!
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Everything Rubbish
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Financial Statements
Events and Community Announcements
- Public Submissions
- Floodplain Risk Management
Fees and Charges
Integrated Planning and Reporting
Jobs at Council
Naming Public Assets
News and Topics
- Public Notice Submissions
- Inland Rail
- Council Focus newsletters
- Reporting
Pollution and Illegal Dumping
- Be road ready for harvest
Scheduled works within the Shire
- Animal Compilance
- Airport
- Gwydir Day Care
- Community
Submissions Exhibitions
Council Meetings Committee Meetings
- 2016
- - Community Development and Services Committee
- - - 10. October
- - - 11. November
- - - 12. December
- - Finance and Governance
- - - 2016
- - - - 10. October
- - - 12. December
- - Strategic Asset and Works Committee
- - - 2016
- - - - 10. October
- - - - 11. November
- - - - 12. December
- 2017
- - Finance and Governance
- - - Draft Minutes
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - 10. October
- - - Business Papers
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - 10. October
- - - 7. July
- - - _10. October
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 2. February
- - - 6. June
- - - 5. May
- - - 9. September
- - - Adopted Minutes
- - - - _11. November
- - Strategic Asset and Works Committee
- - - 3. March
- - - Business Papers
- - - - _11. November
- - - - 1. January
- - - - - Business Papers
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - - Supporting Documents
- - - - - 2017
- - - - - - Community Development and Services Committee
- - - - - - - Business Papers
- - - - - - - Draft Minutes
- - - - - - - - 2
- - - - - - - - 3
- - - - - - - - 4
- - - - - - - - 5
- - - - - - Finance and Governance
- - - - - - - Business Papers
- - - - - - - - 6. June
- - - - - - - - - Supporting Documents
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - Annual Reports
- - - - Brochures
- - - - Calendars
- - - - Compliance
- - - - Crisis
- - - - Current Council Contracts
- - - - - 2013
- - - - - - Rubbish Collection
- - - - - 2014
- - - - - - Legal Services
- - - - - 2015
- - - - - - 16 South Moree
- - - - - - Casual Plant Hire
- - - - - - Supply and Delivery of Pre Mixed Concrete
- - - - - - Tipping Trucks
- - - - - - Water Cart
- - - - - 2016
- - - - - - Dhiiyaan Aborginal Centre
- - - - - - Supply and Delivery of Bituminous Spraying
- - - - - 2017
- - - - - - Airport Alliance Contracting
- - - - - - Coastal Works
- - - - - - Drummuster
- - - - - - Fenech Group Pty Ltd
- - - - - - Fitt Resources
- - - - - - Supply and delivery of pre mixed concrete 1
- - - - - - KRSV Pty Ltd
- - - - - 2018
- - - - - - Border Civil
- - - - - - Steelworks Engineering
- - - - - 2020
- - - - Economic Development
- - - - Environmental
- - - - EPA Licence Monitoring
- - - - Events and Community Announcements
- - - - - Public Submissions
- - - - Fees and Charges
- - - - Financial Statements
- - - - Forms
- - - - Integrated Planning and Reporting
- - - - Jobs at Council
- - - - Maps
- - - - Naming Public Assets
- - - - News and Topics
- - - - - Public Notice Submissions
- - - - Planning and Development
- - - - - Voluntary House Raising Scheme
- - - - Policies
- - - - Political Donations and Gifts Lobbying Councillors
- - - - Pollution and Illegal Dumping
- - - - Review Policies
- - - - Roads
- - - - Scheduled works within the Shire
- - - - Services
- - - - - Airport
- - - - - Animal Compilance
- - - - - Community
- - - - - Gwydir Day Care
- - - - Strategic Planning
- - - Draft Minutes
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - _12. December
- - - 2. February
- - Community Development and Services Committee
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - Adopted Minutes
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - _12. December
- - - Business Papers
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - Draft Minutes
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - _12. December
- - Strategic Asset and Works Committee
- - - Business Papers
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - _12. December
- - - Draft Minutes
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - _12. December
- 2018
- - Finance and Governance Committee
- - - Public Business Papers / Draft and Adopted Minutes
- - - - 1. January
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - 12.December
- - Strategic Asset and Works Committee
- - - Public Business Papers / Draft and Adopted Minutes
- - - - 2. February
- - - - 3. March
- - - - 4. April
- - - - 5. May
- - - - 6. June
- - - - 7. July
- - - - 8. August
- - - - 9. September
- - - - _10. October
- - - - _11. November
- - - - 12.December
- - Community Development and Services Committee
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 9. September
- - - 8. August
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- 2019
- - Community Development and Services Committee
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 9. September
- - - 8. August
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- - Strategic Asset and Works
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10.October
- - - _11.November
- - - _12. December
- - Finance and Governance
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- 2020
- - Finance and Governance
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- - Strategic Works and Community Development
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- 2021
- - Finance and Governance Committee Meeting
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- - - 7. July
- - Strategic Works and Community Development
- - - 2. February
- - - 1. January
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- 2022
- - Standing Committee
- - - 02. February
- - - 03. March
- - - 04. April
- - - 05. May
- - - 06. June
- - - 07. July
- - - 08. August
- - - 09. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- 2023
- - 02. February
- - 03. March
- - 04. April
- - 06. June
- - 05. May
EPA Licence Monitoring
Council Meetings Ordinary Council Meeting
- 2016
- - Adopted Minutes
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - 11. November
- - - 12. December
- - Business Papers
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - 10. October
- - - 11. November
- - - 12. December
- - - _10. October
- - Draft Minutes
- 2017
- - Adopted Business Papers
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- - Business Papers
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- - Draft Business Papers
- - - 1. January
- - - 2. February
- - - 3. March
- - - 4. April
- - - 5. May
- - - 6. June
- - - 7. July
- - - 8. August
- - - 9. September
- - - _10. October
- - - _11. November
- - - _12. December
- 2018
- - 1. January
- - 2. February
- - 3. March
- - 4. April
- - 5. May
- - 6. June
- - 7. July
- - 8. August
- - 9. September
- - _10. October
- - _11. November
- - _12. December
- 2019
- - 1. January
- - 2. February
- - 3. March
- - 4. April
- - 5. May
- - 6. June
- - 7. July
- - 8. August
- - 9. September
- - _10.October
- - _11.November
- - _12. December
- 2020
- - 3. March
- - 1. January
- - 2. February
- - 5. May
- - 6. June
- - 7. July
- - 8. August
- - 9. September
- - _10. October
- - _11. November
- - _12. December
- 2021
- - 1. January
- - 2. February
- - 3. March
- - 4. April
- - 5. May
- - 6. June
- - 7. July
- - 8. August
- - 9. September
- - _10. October
- - _11. November
- 2022
- - 01. January
- - 02. February
- - 03. March
- - 04. April
- - 05. May
- - 06. June
- - 07. July
- - 08. August
- - 09. September
- - _10. October
- - _11. November
- - _12. December
- 2023
- - 02. February
- - 03. March
- - 04. April
- - 05. May
- - 06. June
Current Council Contracts
- 2013
- - Rubbish Collection
- 2014
- - Legal Services
- 2015
- - 16 South Moree
- - Casual Plant Hire
- - Supply and Delivery of Pre Mixed Concrete
- - Tipping Trucks
- - Water Cart
- 2016
- - Dhiiyaan Aborginal Centre
- - Supply and Delivery of Bituminous Spraying
- 2017
- - Coastal Works
- - Airport Alliance Contracting
- - Fitt Resources
- - Fenech Group Pty Ltd
- 2018
- - Wilde Civil
- 2024
Economic Development
Strategic Planning
Planning and Development
- Voluntary House Raising Scheme
Floodplain Management
- Mungindi
- Pallamallawa
- Boggabilla
Review Policies
Annual Report
Tenders/Expressions of Interest
- RFQ18-41 Boggabilla Oval Change Rooms
Development Applications on Exhibition
Public Notices
Annual Disclosures 2024
- Cooee Park Revitalisation
- Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC)
Radio Interviews
Financial Statements
Cooee Park Revitalisation
Current Water Restrictions
Floodplain Risk Management
Inland Rail
Media Releases
Moree Gateway
Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan
Moree Water Park
Submissions and Public Notices
Redevelopment - Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC)
Media - Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC)
Moree Plains Shire Council 2024 ABN: 465 667 905 82