Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Commencement of Deconstruction

MAAC Olympic Pool

Deconstruction of the Olympic Pool at the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) will commence shortly.

For several years, Council and the MAAC Board have obtained and relied on professional advice at regular intervals from a structural engineer in relation to the continued use of the Olympic Pool. It was on the basis of the most recent assessment undertaken that the Olympic Pool was drained earlier this year and some decommissioning works were completed, with the Olympic Pool assessed as no longer fit for use.

Chair of the MAAC Board, Mick Cikota, advised that the Board and Council have been working through the decommissioning works for the Olympic Pool and were now in a position to undertake the demolition.

“The safety of our patrons has always been our top priority and following receipt of the most recent advice from our structural engineer, it was abundantly clear that we needed to push ahead with the decommissioning and deconstruction of the Olympic Pool”, asserted Mr Cikota.

“Of course we are disappointed that we cannot provide our loyal swimmers and valued community groups with access to the Olympic Pool for this upcoming swim season; I hope with the works commencing shortly we will be able to deliver more positive news for future swim seasons.

“Although the Olympic Pool will not be available, community members wanting to escape the heat during this upcoming summer will still be able to attend the MAAC and use the program pool and hydroplay area”, said Mr Cikota.

Mayor Katrina Humphries acknowledged the significance of Moree’s pool facility, “The MAAC has a significant history across Australia and Council and the MAAC Board are committed to ensuring the new Olympic Pool is designed and constructed to the highest possible standard so it can be enjoyed for many years to come.

“Development of the new Olympic Pool and all phases of construction must be meticulously undertaken and this is a case where we will be ‘crossing all t’s and dotting every i’. I understand that this ongoing closure will inconvenience our regular pool users as well as visitors and I sincerely apologise for this unavoidable disruption and appreciate their patience.

“I am well aware that the blistering hot days experienced in Moree throughout summer are usually remedied by a swim in the pool, but I hope community members will seek refuge from the heat in the MAAC’s program pool and hydroplay area which will remain open throughout summer while deconstruction of the Olympic Pool takes place”, said Mayor Humphries.

Following a resolution passed at yesterday’s Council meeting, Council is pleased to announce that a local company has been appointed to undertake the demolition works.

Council’s General Manager Lester Rodgers was pleased that a local firm has been successful in securing the work, noting that Council had worked successfully with this company over many years for a number of projects including the Evergreen Precinct’s Moree Water Ski Park.

Deconstruction works by the local contractor are expected to commence within the next few weeks and while this part of the facility will remain closed, all other parts of the MAAC will be open as advertised from time to time by the MAAC.
