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Community Strategic Plan 

Community Engagement Strategy 2036

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Building the Team for Moree's Bright Future

Mark Connolly left and Daniel Boyce right reviewing SAP draft plansjpgWe are delighted to welcome back Daniel Boyce who returns to the Moree Plains Shire Council as Executive Planner supporting our Regional Activation Unit.

Daniel joins some familiar faces in our Regional Activation team, which is led by Mark Connolly.

Mark is a well-known member of the Moree Plains Shire Council team as Council’s Economic and Community Development Manager. Mark was instrumental in Moree’s selection by the NSW Government to be investigated for a Special Activation Precinct and has had a long-term involvement with the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail project on behalf of Council. Mark is uniquely placed to bring a local understanding of the economic drivers of the Moree Plains’ economy to ensure the Moree Special Activation Precinct will create long-term job opportunities and attract investors.

The Regional Activation Unit, located on the Ground Floor of the Max Centre, is also joined by Laura Colley and Julie Morrison both of whom have strong connections to the local farming community. As Business Coordinator Laura combines a background in our Economic Development team with a wealth of knowledge and relationships in the agricultural sector, making her a key member of Council’s Regional Activation Unit.  

A unique opportunity has been presented to Moree, through the Moree Special Activation Precinct, marking the dawning of a new era for north-western NSW and Council is confident we have the right team in place to work with the NSW Government on the Moree Special Activation Precinct.

Game changers for growth

While our Shire is already attracting impressive investment inflows from industries such as agriculture and tourism, the Moree precinct and Inland Rail are game-changers that provide a catalyst for an even brighter future and increased economic growth for Moree.

The Inland Rail is Australia’s largest freight rail project and will connect Moree to domestic and international markets, representing a commitment of $9.3 billion in Federal Government investment.

Meanwhile, Moree’s Special Activation Precinct (SAP) has the potential to create a large amount of sustained economic activity for the region, by leveraging what we do best through diversification of agriculture, enhanced logistics, food and processing industries in addition to building on our natural advantages in water.

Mark, Daniel and Laura will be part of a team along with consultants and senior NSW Government employees who will deliver the “Government-led studies” to help identify the most suitable and compatible land uses, required infrastructure and the opportunities and constraints within the 5,880 hectare investigation zone.

Once the master plan is delivered, Council’s Regional Activation Unit will be working closely with the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, to facilitate fast-track approvals for new development in the precinct.

Mark explained “Our plans for a business hub specialising in agribusiness, logistics and food processing industries have been part of Council’s vision for the Moree Plains for some time.

“Council is fully committed to ensuring the success of the Moree Special Activation Precinct and ensuring that we have the right people at the table is essential.”

Moree Special Activation Precinct - Key dates for the future:

  • 22-23 October 2020 – Moree SAP Community Engagement activities
  • Q1 2021 – draft master plan due for public exhibition

