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Call for City Dwellers to Make the Move to Moree

A lower cost of living, job opportunities and fewer concerns about COVID-19 have led more people to escape Australia’s capital cities for a tree change and a new push is on to lure even more Australians to the regions.Heber Street Moree

Job seekers are being urged to consider a move west of the Great Dividing Range to Moree, as part of the newly launched Regional Activators Alliance.

The Regional Activators Alliance (RAA) was launched this week by Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Michael McCormack and is made up of 36 representative organisations from across the country, including local councils, economic development groups and industry representatives. In his announcement of a new national awareness campaign, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack urged Australians to keep the regions in mind, saying that "now is the time to make the move".

"I have always said regional Australia is big enough in which to get a good cup of coffee, but small enough to care," Mr McCormack said.

"There are jobs, there is a better lifestyle and there is the opportunity to build a fresh start - regional Australia is the best place to live, work and raise a family."

Moree Plains Shire Council is a proud member of the RAA and is looking forward to working with independent think tank Regional Australia Institute and the Federal Government to create national awareness of the benefits of regional living, to drive population growth in regional Australia.

“We know this shift has already started, with reports of people leaving Sydney and Brisbane as well as other large centres to make the move to Moree,” Susannah Pearse, Council’s Economic Development Team Leader said, citing COVID-19 and our realisation that location is no longer a barrier to where we live and work.

“Our involvement in this alliance will assist us to spread the word nationally about why a regional centre such as the Moree Plains is a great place to invest and grow a business, increasing the prosperity of the Moree Plains for all who live here,” she said.

The RAA is analysing population movement from capital cities to the regions. Its Big Movers Report released earlier this year showed 65,000 people choose regional Australia, rather than metropolitan areas in the 12 months prior to the report being launched.

“For me and I’m sure many others, regional living connects place, purpose and people in a way that just doesn’t happen in urban areas. It’s hard to measure in quantifiable terms but it’s incredibly powerful. With COVID-19 creating a disconnect for many urban residents, we have a real opportunity to leverage our strong sense of community and entice more residents to the Plains,” Mrs Pearse commented.

Council’s General Manager, Lester Rodgers agreed, “There has never been a better time to make the move to Moree. The Plains is so well placed to take advantage of the migration of city dwellers seeking a more fulfilling lifestyle without comprising professional opportunities.

“With the Inland Rail starting construction shortly and planning for the Moree Special Activation Precinct well underway, the Moree Plains is such a perfect place to call home. Interest in the Moree Plains is certainly significant at the moment and with the help of RAA, we will create a strong brand campaign to elevate the regions even further."

Moree Plains Shire Council joins other representative organisations in the RAA from across the country, including:

  • Advance Cairns
  • AgKnowledge Services Australia
  • BDO
  • Blue River Group
  • Central NSW Joint Organisation
  • City of Ballarat
  • Committee for Greater Shepparton
  • Cradle Coast Authority
  • Findex
  • Glen Innes Severn Council
  • Greater Hume Council
  • Greater Whitsunday Alliance
  • Gunnedah Shire Council
  • Heritage Bank
  • Hughes et al
  • Kardia HR
  • Mid-Western Regional Council
  • Multicultural Australia
  • RDA Goldfields Esperance
  • RDA Limestone Coast
  • RDA Orana
  • RDA Riverina
  • RDA Southern Inland
  • RDA Wheatbelt
  • Regional Investment Corporation
  • Rockhampton Regional Council
  • Singleton Council
  • Southern Grampians Shire Council
  • Spencer Gulf Cities
  • Tatiara Shire Council
  • Temora Shire Council
  • Townsville Enterprise Limited
  • Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE)
  • Western Downs Regional Council
  • Wimmera Development Association