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Community Strategic Plan 

Community Engagement Strategy 2036

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Honour Roll Unveiling

Moree Plains Shire Council will be holding a small event to unveil the newly updated Honour Roll located at Moree Memorial Hall this Remembrance Day, Wednesday 11 November 2020 at 10am.

In 2018, in honour of Remembrance Day and the Centenary of Armistice, Councillors moved a Notice of Motion to call for submissions to update the Honour Roll at the Moree Memorial Hall to ensure that as many local veterans as possible were represented.

Two honoured guests who have been added to the Honour Roll will be in attendance by video link, calling in from Melbourne and the Philippines.

All submissions received for the new Honour Roll were verified through a lengthy and thorough process.

Following the small event, community members will be invited to move on to the Moree RSL Sub Branch to attend the Official Remembrance Day Service beginning at 11am.

All activities are being conducted under the requirements of the NSW Public Health Order and social distancing measures will be in place. All attendees will be required to provide their details for contact tracing purposes.


