Delay For Water Notices
By now, water notices for the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year would usually have arrived in mailboxes across the Shire.
Moree Plains Shire Council would like to advise water users that the Quarter 1 water notices have been delayed due to unforeseeable interruptions with the final roll-out of smart water meter readers throughout Moree.
It is anticipated that the first water notice received this financial year will relate to water consumption for a period commencing in June 2020 through to November 2020.
Notices are currently being processed by Council, with the mail-outs to be finalised in the coming weeks.
Payment for these notices will not be due until the end of January 2021, with interest not applying on these bills until after this time.
Council encourages any business or residence who might encounter issues satisfying their obligations for payment for the first water notice or who is otherwise experiencing financial hardship to contact Council’s Rates Department (02) 6757 3222.