Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Be Part Of The Team Creating Moree’s Bright Future

Regional Activation UnitCouncil is seeking a shining star to join our Regional Activation team as our Inland Rail Liaison Officer. This is a full-time role for up to 4 years and applications are now open.

Council’s Regional Activation Unit, located on the Ground Floor of the Max Centre, has been created by Council as a one stop shop to drive Council’s initiatives in relation to the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail and the Moree Special Activation Precinct.

A unique opportunity has been presented to Moree, marking the dawning of a new era for north-western NSW and Council is committed to having the right team in place to drive this transformational project on behalf of our community.

With last week’s news that Trans4M Rail has been appointed to deliver construction of the first phase of work on the Narrabri to North Star project, valued at $693M, we are now looking for a team member who will be the point of contact and conduit for all matters relating to the Inland Rail construction within our Shire. A critical part of this role will be working with stakeholders to maximise local procurement and employment opportunities arising from the construction of Inland Rail.

Council’s Regional Activation Manager Mark Connolly is looking forward to welcoming another capable set of hands to the Regional Activation Unit noting that, “With construction due to commence early in the New Year, this person is going to be central to our relationship with ARTC Inland Rail and Trans4M Rail.

“This is a wonderful career opportunity for the right candidate. Inland Rail is the biggest infrastructure project seen by regional Australia and the opportunity to be at the forefront of this project from within the Moree Plains cannot be underestimated,” said Mr Connolly.

Mayor Katrina Humphries was equally enthusiastic, “Make no mistake, the Inland Rail and the Moree Special Activation Precinct are game-changers for our Shire.

“We absolutely get it and Council has been 100% behind these projects for years. We created our Regional Activation Unit a year ago and I am really proud of the team we have put together.

“It’s not lost on us that things are about to ramp up here in a big way, so I am really pleased there’s a fantastic employment opportunity to work on these projects. Council is fully committed to ensuring our community reaps the dividends of the Inland Rail and the Moree Special Activation Precinct and ensuring that we have the right people at the table is a key part of this.”

Applications for this position are now open


