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Mighty Moree on track for Its share of $1 billion

Mayor Katrina Humphries has congratulated the NSW Government and Team Moree Plains on reaching another major milestone for the Moree Special Activation Precinct (Moree SAP). Last Friday the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) and an army of technical experts completed their final master planning workshop for the Moree SAP.

The Moree SAP is one of a select group of locations across NSW, identified as areas of strategic significance for the future of regional NSW. Once the master plan for Moree SAP is finalised around March 2021, any industries and businesses looking to locate there will be guaranteed a 30-day fast tracked planning approval. This cuts red tape and reduces costs.

As well as fast-tracked planning approvals, Special Activation Precincts will share in the billion dollars set aside by the NSW Government from the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund. With Parkes recently receiving over $185million for enabling infrastructure at its Special Activation Precinct, it’s an exciting time for the black soil plains.

Since its announcement late last year, not even a global pandemic could slow work on developing the Moree SAP.

As the agricultural juggernaut of the food and fibre sector for Australia, and with its strategic location across road, rail and air infrastructure, Moree was the clear first choice for the NSW Government to develop a Special Activation Precinct in the north west of NSW.

Mayor Katrina Humphries was staggered by the work being undertaken to develop the Moree SAP both within the identified area to the south of Moree and beyond.

“It’s pretty clear after last week that the Moree SAP will create thousands of jobs, attract businesses and investors, and drive economic development for the Moree Plains on a level we haven’t seen since the cotton boom.

“I was really pleased to see the extensive work that had been undertaken on the community and social impacts of the Moree SAP. And after last week’s State budget serving up some funding to kick off the Moree Hospital redevelopment, I’ve every confidence that everything will come together to ensure our whole community will benefit from the Moree SAP.

We know that global food demand will increase 70 percent by 2050, due to population and GDP growth. GDP will drive growth in demand for value-added, processed food products which creates opportunities for the food manufacturing sector. There is also a massive global focus on a renewables-led recovery and carbon neutral food chains. That’s Moree’s play – we will feed Australia and beyond, but do it sustainably!

We know that Moree is well placed to take advantage of the coming opportunities for carbon neutral food manufacturing - our ag sector and other natural resources are like no others; unique and highly sought after by investors. I intend to make sure that our community reaps the benefits of the Moree Special Activation Precinct. I am here to tell you that we are powering on and I look forward to sharing some exciting announcements in 2021”, said Mayor Humphries.


