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Level Four Water Restrictions for Mungindi with immediate effect

With a plant failure at Council’s onsite Water Treatment Plant in Mungindi, Council regrettably wishes to advise residents of Mungindi that Level 4 Water Restrictions need to be implemented with immediate effect until midnight on Wednesday 2 December 2020.

For Mungindi household water users, the following restrictions apply as Level 4 Water Restrictions, with immediate effect from today Monday 30 November 2020:
• Hand held hoses only to be used when watering lawns and gardens. Watering may only take place between 6:00am - 8:00am and 6:00pm - 8:00pm during summer. Buckets and recycled water may be used at any time;
• Paved and concrete surfaces are not to be washed down;
• Covered pools may only be topped up using hand held hoses during the hours allowed for general watering noted above;
• Car washing can only occur at commercial car washes that recycle water;
• Only water from a bucket can be used while undertaking home extensions or landscaping;
• Water can only be carted for domestic purposes;
• Washing of clothes is only permitted with full loads, adhering to the odds and even system;
o Households with odd street numbers are permitted to use their washing machine on odd dates;
o Households with even street numbers are permitted to use their washing machine on even dates.
• Residents are encouraged to have short showers (between 3-5 minutes);
• Pets are only to be washed using water from a bucket;
• Residents are encouraged to reduce usage of evaporative air coolers;
• All fountains are to be turned off and not to be topped up except for safety reasons.

For Commercial and Industrial water users in Mungindi, the following Level Four Water Restrictions will apply:
• Irrigation (Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 50%;
• Irrigation (Non Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 50%;
• All fountains are to be turned off and not to be topped up except for safety reasons;
• Public swimming pools are to be operated with maximum efficiency;
• Water can only be carted for domestic purposes;
• Businesses must make greater endeavours to minimise water usage;
• Car washing can only occur at commercial car washes that recycle water;
• Only commercial car washes that recycle water will be allowed to operate;
• Washing of commercial buildings and windows is banned.

These Water Restrictions will apply until midnight, Wednesday 2 December 2020.

Water levels in Mungindi are particularly concerning generally, with low rainfall over recent months and no river flow.

Last summer, residents will recall that a number of infrastructure upgrades were undertaken to supplement and ultimately replace the Mungindi town water supply with 100% artesian water. At the present time, Mungindi’s town water is supplied largely by river water although increasing amounts of artesian water are being preemptively utilised to better preserve the town water supply. Residents may notice that the town water supply is slightly warmer than usual as a result.

Last year, a leased cooling tower was installed to cool the artesian water prior to treatment. Council is currently awaiting delivery of its own cooling tower, which is coming from overseas.

Because there is some lead time prior to delivery and commissioning Council’s cooling tower at Mungindi, Council will be instigating more proactive measures to control water consumption in Mungindi for the remainder of the 2020 calendar year.

After midnight on Wednesday 2 December 2020, Water Restrictions will accordingly drop to Level Two Water Restrictions until 31 December 2020.

Council has in place a Water Supply Schemes Drought Management Plan which prescribes the approach to adopting water restrictions.

General Manager, Lester Rodgers explained “Today’s Level Four Water Restrictions are unfortunate but unavoidable, given a significant failure at our Water Treatment Plant. We encourage residents to work with us over the next few days while we replenish our water supplies in the reservoir.

“Decisions such as these aren’t taken lightly by Council and we urge all Mungindi community members to adhere to these restrictions in the short-term.

“After midnight Wednesday, we’ll be in a much better position but with dry conditions persisting and warmer temperatures expected over coming months, we will be keeping Level Two Water Restrictions in place for the remainder of December 2020 to proactively ensure supply is preserved for Mungindi through the Summer.  

“These water restrictions will provide residents with clear guidelines on how they can reduce their water consumption and Council will continue to closely monitor the supply levels.”

Following midnight Wednesday 2 December 2020, Level Two Water Restrictions will apply and residents in Mungindi should adhere to the following restrictions:
• Sprinkler Systems to be used between 6:00am-9:00am and 7:00pm-10:00pm during Summer in accordance with the Odds and Evens scheme. This means:
• Households with odd street numbers are permitted to use their sprinklers on odd dates during the times prescribed;
• Households with even street numbers are permitted to use their sprinklers on even dates during the times prescribed.
• Handheld hoses and buckets can be used at any time.
• Paved and concrete surfaces are not to be washed down.
• Pools may be topped up with a hand held hose and swimming pool covers are required when not in use.
• Car washing can only take place using a trigger hose and bucket.
• Water can only be carted from a secure water source.
• Residents are encouraged to only clothes wash when they have a full load.
• Fountains are to be turned off but ponds may be topped up.

For Commercial and Industrial water users in Mungindi, the following will apply:
• Irrigation (Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 15%.
• Irrigation (Non Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 25%.
• Washing of commercial buildings and windows is discouraged.

Further details of these water restrictions can be found on Council’s website www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au  within its Water Supply Schemes Drought Management Plan.

If residents of Mungindi have any questions about these restrictions, they are encouraged to contact Council directly.
