Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Moree Waste Management Facility - Request for Tender 20/02

Moree Plains Shire Council is calling for tenders for the second stage of construction of the landfill cell (Cell 1 Stage 2) of the Moree Waste Management Facility.

All suitably qualified contractors are invited to tender for the project. Construction tasks of the project include realigning existing services, bulk excavation and earthworks, installation of a new leachate barrier and collection system and the construction of a new access road and ramp.

A pre-tender site meeting will be held at 12.30 pm on Monday 29 June 2020 on-site at the Moree Waste Management Facility for all interested contractors. All contractors are requested to register their attendance with Corinna Lalor on 02 4979 9016 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further details regarding the construction and technical aspects of the project are provided in the tender documents and associated documentation; all technical enquiries regarding the project should be directed to the eTendering forum, TenderLink reference “MOREE-923281”.

Tenders quoting the reference number RFT20/02 and addressed to the General Manager will be received up until closing time 3:00 pm on Friday 17 July 2020.

Tenders must be lodged through the NSW Government eTendering website at: www.tenderlink.com/mpsc.


