Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) Update

Replacement_of_the_slide_at_the_MAAC_W.jpgTenders called for in November 2022, for the 50m Olympic pool, grandstand, and clubhouse at the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) were considered at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 16 March 2023.

Unfortunately, no tender submissions met Council’s requirements, and as such Council will now undertake a select tender approach with experienced pool builders.

Council understands the frustration in the Community regarding the length of time this process is taking but is committed to making sure this is done thoroughly to enable the best outcome.

Council will continue its pursuit to find a reputable and adequately resourced company and we will continue to keep the public informed of the progress.

In the meantime, the works schedule continues at the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre:
• Commencing Tuesday 21 March, the reconstruction and reinstating of the newly refurbished water slide will take place with testing of the slide to be conducted over the next four weeks
• Demolition of the wellness and active pool has already commenced and the installation of reinforced steel, formwork and plumbing occurring
• Concrete to be poured, with a curating time of six weeks after which the tiling of the pool (and concourse) will occur
• Followed by grouting with a wait time of a week until the filling of the pool(s). The active and wellness pool is forecast to be completed in June 2023
• Works on the passive and program pool will commence in June 2023 to coincide with the reopening of the active and wellness pool(s).


