Level Five Water Restrictions - Mungindi
Commencing Wednesday 8 January 2020
Since November, Level Four water restrictions have been in place for Mungindi.
Despite concerted efforts by the Mungindi community to reduce water consumption and water infrastructure upgrades being completed in December 2019, the continuing dry conditions have prompted Moree Plains Shire Council to increase water restrictions to Level Five in Mungindi, effective from Wednesday 8 January 2020.
In recent times, water in Mungindi has been sourced from both the river and the artesian bore.
In December, Council undertook a number of urgent infrastructure upgrades to allow a more significant amount of artesian water to supplement the river supply for Mungindi’s town water supply. This has included additional pipework, electrical upgrades and the installation of a cooling tower. The artesian water from the bore must be cooled before being treated to provide Mungindi residents and businesses with a potable water supply.
As of today, Mungindi’s potable water supply is wholly sourced from the artesian bore.
While the infrastructure upgrades have secured Mungindi’s water supply, the process of cooling and treating the water means that the volume of water produced and available to supply Mungindi has been reduced.
“To supplement Mungindi’s usual water supply from the Barwon River, Council undertook a number of urgent infrastructure projects in December to ensure Mungindi will have access to a continuous flow of artesian water for its potable water supply,” Council’s General Manager Lester Rodgers confirmed.
“These projects are allowing Council to utilise artesian bore water for Mungindi’s potable supply. These projects were undertaken with a viewing to shoring up supply as the river supply declined,” Mr Rodgers said.
“The river supply has declined quickly with our recent hot weather so Mungindi’s water supply is now sourced 100% from the artesian bore.
“It is with a heavy heart Council announces Level Five water restrictions for Mungindi; unfortunately, despite the diligence community members of Mungindi have applied while using water, the current level of the Barwon River and forecast conditions have forced Council to increase restrictions to provide the community with access to a safe and reliable water supply,” explained Mr Rodgers.
The Water Supply Schemes Drought Management Plan adopted by Council outlines the process involved when applying water restrictions and the applicable restrictions. For household water users in Mungindi, the following restrictions apply as of Wednesday 8 January 2020:
- Total ban on hand held hoses; lawns and gardens can only be watered using recycled grey water;
- Total ban on washing down paved and concrete surfaces;
- Total ban on filling or topping up swimming pools;
- Total ban on washing cars;
- Only water from a bucket can be used while undertaking home extensions or landscaping;
- Water can only be carted for domestic purposes;
- Washing of clothes is only permitted with full loads, adhering to the odds and even system;
- Households with odd street numbers are permitted to use their washing machine on odd dates;
- Households with even street numbers are permitted to use their washing machine on even dates.
- Showers are to be no longer than 5 minutes;
- Total ban on washing pets;
- Residents are encouraged to reduce usage of evaporative air coolers;
- All fountains are to be turned off and not to be topped up except for safety reasons.
For Commercial and Industrial water users in Mungindi, the following restrictions will apply:
- Irrigation (Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 60%;
- Irrigation (Non Efficient User) consumption should be reduced by 60%;
- All fountains are to be turned off and not to be topped up except for safety reasons;
- Water can only be carted for domestic purposes only with Council permit;
- Businesses must make greater endeavours to minimise water usage;
- Total ban on washing cars;
- Commercial car washes can only be used in emergency situations;
- Total ban on washing buildings and windows.
Residents and local businesses are required to follow all additional water restrictions, noting that Council’s Water Supply Schemes Drought Management Plan prescribes measures to police adherence to the Level 5 water restrictions.
Further details of these water restrictions can be found on Council’s website www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au within its Water Supply Schemes Drought Management Plan.
Residents throughout the Moree Plains Shire are urged to promptly report any leakages to Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 6757 3222, even if it is after hours.
Council will continue to monitor water levels across all towns closely and take further action if necessary to ensure water supply is preserved. For the time being, the Weemelah and Boggabilla communities will remain on Level Four water restrictions.
Following the application of Level 5 Water Restrictions, residents of Mungindi are encouraged to reduce evaporative air cooler usage. Council has been fielding questions in relation to this specific restriction.
To clarify:
With the ongoing heat of summer, the health and safety of residents in Mungindi is of paramount importance. This particular restriction does not require residents to turn off or restrict their usage of evaporative coolers during times of oppressive heat. Rather, residents are encouraged to responsibly use their coolers by, for example, reducing usage of coolers on cooler mornings or turning coolers off if away from home for extended periods.
With the application of Level 5 Water Restrictions, the Mungindi Pool will not be charging entry fees for the school holidays. This initiative will not affect the term of Season Tickets at Mungindi Pool.