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Community Strategic Plan 

Community Engagement Strategy 2036

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Applications Open - Community Enhancement Fund - Up to $25,400 Available

Applications are open for this year’s Community Enhancement Fund offering community, sporting or educational organisations of Moree Plains Shire a chance to propose projects or programs that will have a positive impact on the community or practical solutions to current community needs.

The maximum allocation for the fund is $25,400 which is provided by the Moree Solar Farm as an annual contribution, with the successful applicant(s) having a project which will provide the most benefit to the community and utilise funding purposes that align with one or more areas of the 10 Year Community Strategic Plan.

Moree Plains Shire Council’s General Manager Lester Rodgers explained the Community Enhancement Fund was established to provide financial assistance intended to enhance the local physical or social environment or provide a service to promote community well-being or environmental sustainability.

“We hope the successful grant applications will present some new ideas and some forward thinking that will have long term, high community impact,” said Mr Rodgers.

“We received three very high quality applications for the Community Enhancement Fund for the 2019 calendar year. We look forward to seeing what exciting projects and programs individuals and community groups will propose that can benefit the community and our many residents.”

Last year was the first time the Community Enhancement Fund was made available to Moree Plains Shire groups and was provided to the Moree Boars Rugby League Football Club to construct perimeter fencing around Boughton Oval, the purpose of the fencing was to prevent young children running onto the field during games therefore limiting the hazard of injury to players and spectators. The installation of fencing will enhance Boughton Oval’s reputation as a premier sporting facility and allow representative matches to be played without being compromised due to safety concerns. The new fence will also provide a noticeable visual upgrade to the oval.

President of the Moree Boars Rugby League Football Club Todd Mitchell was very happy to receive, on behalf of the Boars, the support of both Council and the Moree Solar Farm for this funding, noting that “The funding will make a real difference at Boars’ games as well as the Club’s ability to host premier rugby league games.”

Under the Policy, Council will be able to consider how many local projects they wish to support as part of the annual contribution from the Moree Solar Farm allowing for larger scale projects.

Council wishes to advise the community that it will consider eligible applications for financial assistance under the Community Enhancement Fund for the 2020 calendar year at its meeting on Thursday 9 April 2020. Applications up to $25,400 can be considered.

Individuals or groups wishing to apply for financial assistance are required to complete and submit a Community Enhancement Fund Application Form by no later than 5pm Friday 13 March 2020 to enable the application to be considered.  In accordance with the Community Enhancement Fund Policy, applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

A copy of the Community Enhancement Fund Application Form and Policy can be obtained from the Moree Plains Shire Council, Max Centre, Balo Street Moree during normal office hours or by telephone on 6757 3222. Copies are available at the Moree Community Library and Offices at Mungindi.

Important dates










Community Enhancement Fund Policy and Application Form

For further information see the Community Enhancement Fund Policy.

To apply, fill in the Community Enhancement Fund Application Form.

Public Donations Fund Policy and Application Form

For further information, see Public Donations Financial Assistance Policy.

To apply, fill in the Public Donations Financial Application Form.


