Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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On The Road To Safer Young Drivers

Young drivers continue to be one of the most at-risk groups on our roads.

Over the past few years, Moree Plains Shire Council has delivered a series of educational campaigns and workshops as well as undertaking road upgrades to promote and improve road safety around our Shire.

Last month, Mayor Katrina Humphries joined a road show with the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Paul Toole and Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall to inspect various roads across the Shire earmarked for works.

Through the NSW Government’s new $500 million Fixing Local Roads program, Council’s road projects have received a much needed boost to accelerate delivery of these much needed upgrades by securing $3.4million to improve our local road network:

  • Sealing of curves on SR108 Burrington Road $560,588
  • Arterial sealing of 5.8km of Terry Hie Hie Road $1,087,500
  • Intersection upgrades with State Highways $690,000
  • Local roads bridge approaches sealing $502,500
  • Sealing of curves on SR1 Watercourse Road $622,463

 ON THE ROAD TO SAFER YOUNG DRIVERSCouncil is confident that construction of these projects could commencement within months, meeting the criteria of the funding and delivering the project within a two-year timeline.

“Fixing and caring for our local roads is necessary to keep us all connected across this vast Shire, efficiently move products from farm to market but equally important, is ensuring that users of our roads arrive at their destination safe and sound,” Mayor Humphries commented.

“The conditions of our roads play a key role in this and even more so, when our new, young and inexperienced drivers are beginning to navigate our roads. We welcome the funding received from the State Government to assist in funding these works.

“Upgrades to our road network together with education programs and workshops to provide road safety advice to our new drivers are all part of the parcel Council is delivering to our community to ensure we all make it home safe after each and every journey,” Mayor Humphries explained.

This month, online workshops will be delivered by Transport for NSW on behalf of Moree Plains Shire Council and other local councils to help equip parents and supervisors on how to provide effective and safe practice sessions for learner drivers.

The online workshops are free and will provide practical advice about the role of the supervising driver, the importance of on-road driving experience and how this can be obtained.

The online workshops will take place on:

  • Wednesday 19 August 2020 from 6.00pm - 7.15pm
  • Thursday 20 August 2020 from 12.30pm – 1.45pm

Registration is essential as a limited number of spots are available for each online workshop.

To register residents should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (02) 6757 3277.


