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On Track - Rail Corp talks to Council

As a founding member of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail Alliance (MBIRA), Moree Plains Shire Council (MPSC) sees the announcement of the first tender of the Brisbane-to-Melbourne Inland Rail project to GHD Pty Ltd as an important milestone in the development of this nation-building infrastructure project.

John Carleton Kirsty O’Connell ARTC Sue PriceJohn Carleton Kirsty O’Connell ARTC Sue PriceThe Vice Chair of the MBIRA and MPSC’s Deputy Mayor Cr Sue Price said, “Council is committed to supporting the Inland Rail to secure our transport needs into the future and the benefits this infrastructure will potentially bring to our community and beyond are considerable.

“For Moree Plains, we consider the Inland Rail as being critical in easing the ever increasing freight burden and relieving pressure on our road networks. In the years ahead, the nation’s freight movements are anticipated to double and the Inland Rail will provide a viable alternative to road transportation, sharing the freight burden across both road and rail infrastructure.

This will not only bolster Council’s capacity to maintain our sealed and unsealed road network but also greatly improve road safety.

“This infrastructure will also contribute to the diversification of our region’s economic base and we anticipate this will provide a platform to attract further investment to the region and generate greater employment opportunities both during and after construction.

“Through its involvement with the MBIRA, Council has long been involved in the foundation work for this crucial infrastructure project and as a result, has developed strong relationships with key stakeholders including Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd (ARTC).

ARTC has been tasked with developing a ten year program to deliver the project, under the guidance of the Inland Rail Implementation Group, chaired by former Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. John Anderson, AO with representatives of the Australian, NSW, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

At last week’s Council meeting, the ARTC provided a project update to MPSC Councillors, with community representatives from agriculture, industry, construction and Moree’s Chamber of Commerce invited to participate in this session.

More information about the Inland Rail Project is available at


John Carleton (MPSC Executive Project Manager), Kirsty O’Connell (ARTC) and MPSC Deputy Mayor, Cr Sue Price.


