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Local Industry Engagement For Inland Rail

The Australian Rail Track Corporation is undertaking its next phase of industry engagement for the Inland Rail with three city-based Industry Briefing sessions live streamed to allow locals to be part of the process.

The sessions held in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney on consecutive days from 14-16 May 2018 will be simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real time.  They will provide information for private sector opportunity and participation in Inland Rail, current scheduling, social performance requirements for businesses to work on Inland Rail, and an update on the status of the Private Public Partnership section of work.

Moree Plains Shire Council’s Executive Projects Manager John Carleton explained the Inland Rail construction is a multi-billion dollar project will create an estimated 16,000 new jobs at the peak of construction and local suppliers, skills and labour will be used, where possible.

“The live streaming sessions will allow locals to be part of the process and understanding how they can get involved and business requirement and opportunities the Inland Rail project could provide for their enterprise,” said Mr Carleton.

To reserve a seat at an Industry Briefing session or to receive login details to view a livestream, register contact details

The closing date for RSVPs to the Industry Briefing is 12 noon, Thursday 10 May 2018.

Information on the Inland Rail can be found on the ARTC website www.inlandrail.artc.com.au


