What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Calling for Nominations - Moree Plains Australian of the Year

Know a local legend?
Celebrate their contribution to the community by nominating them for Moree Plains Shire’s 2021 Australia Day Awards!

The prestigious award includes seven categories, all which are currently open for nominations:Moree Australian of the Year

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year (20 years old or younger)
  • Community Event/Group of the year
  • Sports Person of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Volunteer Group/Sport Group of the Year
  • Environmental Citizen of the Year

Mayor Katrina Humphries is encouraging all residents to support the awards this year by nominating individuals and community groups they believe have made a significant difference in the Shire throughout 2020.

Calling for Nominations - Moree Plains Australian of the Year

Know a local legend?
Celebrate their contribution to the community by nominating them for Moree Plains Shire’s 2021 Australia Day Awards!

The prestigious award includes seven categories, all which are currently open for nominations:Moree Australian of the Year

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year (20 years old or younger)
  • Community Event/Group of the year
  • Sports Person of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Volunteer Group/Sport Group of the Year
  • Environmental Citizen of the Year

Mayor Katrina Humphries is encouraging all residents to support the awards this year by nominating individuals and community groups they believe have made a significant difference in the Shire throughout 2020.

“2020 was a tough year to say the least, so it is important now more than ever to celebrate the individuals and community groups who have made our year a little brighter.

“We need to acknowledge and celebrate those who worked tirelessly to build our community and make the Plains a place to enjoy with our family and friends.

“A nomination sends the nominee a message of appreciation and acknowledgement for their contribution to our community, the nomination process is quick and easy; residents of any age could nominate a person”, said Mayor Humphries.

While COVID-19 has created many challenges for sporting and community groups there are people who have risen to the challenge of maintaining the health of our communities.  Council invites a wide range of nominees including those who have taken innovative approaches within each category to working through these difficult times.  The winners of each category will be announced on Australia Day and on Council’s website and Facebook page.

Hard copies of the nomination forms are available at the Moree Community Library or can be downloaded

Completed nominations forms can be returned to the Moree Community Library, Council’s Customer Service Centre or emailed to Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


