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EPA Pilot Project

Moree lidar droneThe presence of burnt-out dwellings in Moree has been, and remains, a significant and reoccurring agenda item for Council and a matter of concern to the community at large.

As reported to Council on 8 October 2020, there are now over 50 dilapidated dwellings within the Moree township, with majority privately owned and therefore within Council’s remit to manage. Conversations are continuing with the relevant State and Federal authorities in relation to government owned dwellings to ensure the buildings’ timely removal.

Method of dilapidated building management

Council currently only manages dilapidated buildings under the powers that Council has under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. More specifically, Council uses Demolition Works Orders under the Act. This is an enforcement tool to get owners to address the risks that these buildings pose to public and neighbouring properties. Council also has powers under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the NSW Local Government Act 1993.

EPA Pilot Project

Moree lidar droneThe presence of burnt-out dwellings in Moree has been, and remains, a significant and reoccurring agenda item for Council and a matter of concern to the community at large.

As reported to Council on 8 October 2020, there are now over 50 dilapidated dwellings within the Moree township, with majority privately owned and therefore within Council’s remit to manage. Conversations are continuing with the relevant State and Federal authorities in relation to government owned dwellings to ensure the buildings’ timely removal.

Method of dilapidated building management

Council currently only manages dilapidated buildings under the powers that Council has under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. More specifically, Council uses Demolition Works Orders under the Act. This is an enforcement tool to get owners to address the risks that these buildings pose to public and neighbouring properties. Council also has powers under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the NSW Local Government Act 1993.

Council is receiving updated legal advice from LGNSW and NSW EPA in regards to the potential benefits of managing dilapidated buildings under the powers provided for by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Burnt/Derelict Building Asbestos Assessment & Clean-Up Project

This matter has recently been acknowledged by NSW EPA and LGNSW as an issue not local to Moree only, but as a widespread problem among NSW shires.

Therefore, what began as an NSW EPA pilot program opportunity to develop a standard procedure for dealing with burned-out houses, has since evolved into a broader scoped project with greater interest and engagement from additional NSW state agencies and leading industry professionals. The proposed project will include the development of a “holistic property survey tool to assist councils and state agencies to better manage Burnt/Derelict Buildings that contain Asbestos and Other Hazards”, to be followed by the development of a business case for State funding to complete the required clean-up works.

The project’s investigation area will include a number of other Shires but the priority and focus will be on Moree. This, due to Moree’s high number of dilapidated properties, existing reporting and staffing resources.

Current status of Project

Commencing Monday 9 November 2020, representatives of Council and the EPA joined members of NSW Fire and Rescue and Public Works Advisory in Moree to undertake an inspection program for a number of affected properties throughout South Moree with support from Aboriginal Affairs community engagement officers. Assessment of each dwelling was carried out both on foot and with the use of drones by the multi-agency team. The drone footage of each affected property will allow specialists to understand the volume and type of materials onsite.

Community members with questions regarding the assessments and program are encouraged to direct these enquiries to Council on 6757 3222. 

Ordinary Council and Committee Meetings

10 October 2020, Strategic Works and Community Development Committee Meeting, Report 1 – Dilapidated Buildings – Project Upgrade
10 October 2020, Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, Late Report – Dilapidated Buildings – Project Upgrade

Media Releases

6 November 2020, Media Release – A New Approach for Moree’s Burnt-Out Dwellings

