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Moree & Surrounds Floodplain Information Sessions
Wednesday 3 March | Register Now

With the appointment of Dryside Engineering (Dryside), works are underway for the feasibility study of the flood risk management plan recommended options contained in the Moree and Environs Floodplain Risk Management Plan (Plan), adopted by Council in 2019.

Late last year, Dryside undertook some preliminary investigations and discussions with community members from identified areas within and around Moree and will be returning next week to meet with the Moree Plains Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (Committee).

Moree & Surrounds Floodplain Information Sessions
Wednesday 3 March | Register Now

With the appointment of Dryside Engineering (Dryside), works are underway for the feasibility study of the flood risk management plan recommended options contained in the Moree and Environs Floodplain Risk Management Plan (Plan), adopted by Council in 2019.

Late last year, Dryside undertook some preliminary investigations and discussions with community members from identified areas within and around Moree and will be returning next week to meet with the Moree Plains Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (Committee).

Dryside, Council and the Committee would like to extend an invitation to other Moree community members to attend an information session on Wednesday 3 March 2021.

A number of information sessions will be held over the course of the day and evening and will provide a general update on the progress of the project to community members not involved in the on-site sessions in December 2020.

The sessions will be interactive and there will be an opportunity to actively participate and ask questions; please register your interest to attend a session here If you require assistance to register, please contact Council’s Engineering Support officers by phoning 6757 3265 during business hours.

Community members interested in attending a session will need to register by 5pm on Saturday 27 February. Council officers will be in contact on Monday 1 March 2021 to confirm session details.

There will be further opportunities to Have your Say with a survey to be distributed in late March.

This feasibility study is being funded through a $137,000 grant from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, which will allow the community, through Council and the Committee to work through the recommendations.

For more details in relation to Floodplain Risk Management in the Moree Plains, see Council’s website > Hot Topics> Floodplain Risk Management.

Questions in relation to these sessions should be directed to Council’s Engineering Services team.

