Connie Potts – Senior Citizen of the Year - 2021
The Seniors Week luncheon held this week saw Mrs Connie Potts awarded the Moree Plains Shire ‘Senior Citizen of the Year’.
Councillor Stephen Ritchie congratulated nominees – Margaret Young, Frank Crump, Connie Potts, Lloyd Betts and Lloyd Munro and presented each of them with a gift in recognition of their hard work.
Cr Ritchie said “All the nominees were worthy contenders for the Award. The judging was extremely difficult as each person had made a substantial contribution to the Shire of Moree Plains”.
Connie has been the secretary of Probus and The Country Women’s Association for a number of years now. Volunteering and giving back to the community is high on Connie’s priority list as she also volunteers for the delivery of Meals on Wheels, drives for Community Transport and provides transport for people to the airport and train station.
On top of this, Connie provides assistance to members of our community by assisting low income earners to lodge their tax returns as well as helping learners drivers to obtain their hours required to progress their license. A truly amazing contribution!
Connie is strongly committed to her church where at times she conducts baptisms and assists with anything else she can. Connie recently wrote a book which celebrated 125 years of her church within our community.
The Senior Citizen of the Year Award honours the achievements and skills of our senior citizens. Seniors have spent a lifetime contributing to our community raising their families, working and volunteering. Seniors like Connie haven’t stopped!
NSW Seniors Week celebrates the valuable contribution seniors make to our whole community. It is our way of saying thank you to seniors and is a great opportunity for people of all generations to join with them to celebrate.