What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Request for Tender - RFT21/05 Adelaide Street Water Reservoir Refurbishment

Submissions are invited and will be received up until 2.00 pm on Thursday 24 June 2021 for the following Request for Tender:

  • RFT21/05 Moree Plains Shire Council – Adelaide Street Water Reservoir Refurbishment

A Tender Briefing / Site Inspection will be held on Tuesday 15th June 2021 at 10am. Please confirm your attendance at this meeting with Council Contact Person: Anub Nair, Services Engineer no later than Monday 14 June.

If you are interested in making a Submission for this work, please create an account for your business through the Vendorpanel website,
RFT21/05 Moree Plains Shire Council – Adelaide Street Water Reservoir Refurbishment.
Once you have submitted your details, you will have access to the procurement package, including response forms.

Lodgement of Submissions must be by electronic format to the Vendorpanel website  - RFT21/05 Moree Plains Shire Council – Adelaide Street Water Reservoir Refurbishment.

It is suggested that prior to making a Submission on this procurement that you ensure all addenda issued during the Request period are taken into account in preparing a Submission. Addenda will be made available on the Vendorpanel website.  

The canvassing of Councillors or Council staff, at any time, in respect of this Request for Tender will disqualify a Respondent.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

