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Draft Operational Plan And Budget 2021-2022

Council’s draft Operational Plan and Budget 2020-2021 - the key document guiding Council's daily activities, capital projects, budget, and fees and charges over the next twelve months - is currently on public exhibition and open for comment.

The 2021/2022 Operation Plan (Budget) provides for an Operating Expenditure of $58,334,570 plus Capital Expenditure of $72,919,653 providing a Total Expenditure of $131,254,223.

Mayor of Moree Plains Shire, Councillor Katrina Humphries said: “that the development of the Operational Plan each year is a complex and time-consuming exercise and the preparation of 2021/2022 was no exception and acknowledged the excellent work undertaken by staff in the preparation of the budget”.

Councillor Humphries also acknowledged the efforts of the Councillors who had made themselves available for a number of workshops so that they could be fully briefed on all aspects of the budget and to ensure that the budget as far as possible aligned with the Community Strategic Plan which reflects the wishes and expectations of the broader community and also maintains the existing levels of service.

Councillor Humphries said, “that the demands on Councils budget continue to grow and make it increasingly difficult to meets these competing demands but is confident that the budget provides for an equitable spread of funding and addresses these community expectations”.

Councillor Humphries noted that over the past few years Council has received substantial grant funding from both the Federal and State Government which had resulted in significant upgrades to infrastructure across the Shire and she thanked both tiers of Government for their support.

General Manager Lester Rodgers in supporting Councillor Humphries’ comments said: “that Council was also expecting to receive additional funding this year to assist repair the damage to the road network caused by the March Flood Event with damaged preliminarily estimated at around $25 million dollars”.

The flood damage monies will supplement the funding already allocated to the maintenance and improvement of Council’s vast road network.

Mr Rodgers added that 2021/2022 was shaping up as another big year for the Moree area with the vastly improved fortunes of the agriculture sector being supplemented by both the Inland Rail project and the development of the Special Activation Precinct.

Mr Rodgers said, “he was looking forwarded to Council continuing to assist in the ongoing development of all sectors of the shire and maximising the benefits that will flow from the considerable investment being delivered within the shire”.

The 2021/2022 Operational Plan is available HERE and residents who wish to make any comments or lodge a submission in relation to the draft Operational Plan and Budget can do so via emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to:
General Manager
Moree Plains Shire Council
PO Box 420 Moree 2400.

Submissions should be lodged by 4pm 24 June 2021.


