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Floodplain Risk Management Survey

By now, most ratepayers will have had their Floodplain Management Levee Feasibility survey in their mailbox.

We are pleased with the number of ratepayers who have completed their survey and sent it back into Council. These are now due back by the end of June 2021.

“The Committee are pleased to be moving forward with the feasibility study and associated investigations and welcome the opportunity to have input into that process. We also encourage community members to contribute to this process.

Council’s General Manager, Mr Lester Rodgers explained under the NSW Floodplain Development Manual 2005 Council is legally required to update its flood management and mitigation plan.

“We are currently in stage two of the process; this includes working through the recommendations from the plan including the feasibility study to further investigate implementing a range of flood mitigation options included in its latest flood management plan, including the levee survey.”

Dryside, Council and the Committee would like to extend an invitation to Moree Plains community members to complete their surveys by the end of June 2021.

This feasibility study is being funded through a $137,000 grant from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, which will allow the community, through Council and the Committee to work through the recommendations.

For more details in relation to Floodplain Risk Management in the Moree Plains, see Council’s website > Hot Topics> Floodplain Risk Management.

Questions in relation to these sessions should be directed to Council’s Engineering Services team.


