Local Government Elections 2021 - 4 December 2021
Where can I vote?
This Saturday, 4 December 2021 is the NSW Local Government Elections. Voting is compulsory.
You can vote in person on election day from 8.00 am through to 6.00 pm at any polling place. You do not need to have been vaccinated to attend a polling place, regardless of whether it is somewhere you would not be able to attend otherwise under current public health orders.
Polling places in the Moree Plains Shire are as follows:
Ashley Community Hall – Boolooroo Street, Ashley
Boomi Public School – Werrina Street, Boomi
Bullarah Public School - 6915 Gwydir Highway, Bullarah
Garah Public School – Benarba Street, Garah
Gurley War Memorial Hall and Community Centre – Millie Street, Gurley
Moree Secondary College (Albert Street Campus) – 72 Frome Street, Moree
Moree Shae Academy, 114 Anne Street, Moree.
Mungindi Memorial Hall – 99 St George Street, Mungindi
Pallamallawa Public School – Centre Street, Pallamallawa
St Philomenas Catholic School Hall – 55 Boston Street, Moree
Remember to be COVID-safe while voting by:
• Wearing a mask
• Ensuring you are socially distancing
• Checking in and out using the displayed QR codes
• Bring your own pen
• Use hand sanitiser
• Stay home if you feel unwell (if you are unable to attend on the day, for this reason, follow this link for information on what you will need to do https://www.elections.nsw.gov.au/Voters/I-didn-t-vote)
A reminder that pre-polling is open to everyone and available 9.00am to 5.00pm until this Friday, 3 December 2021. Pre-polling is available at the Returning Officer’s Office at the Moree Showground only.
If you’re enrolled to vote in the Moree Plains Shire and are affected by the floods, options for voting at the local council elections occurring tomorrow are still available.
The following polling places Moree Plains Shire places are shut due to flooding:
. Boggabilla Central School
. Toomelah Public School
However, you are eligible for voting at any other polling place within your LGA. You can find a list of those here: https://elections.nsw.gov.au/.../Councils/Moree-Plains
You can also apply to vote online with iVote here: https://elections.nsw.gov.au/Voters/Online-voting-iVoteor give us the NSW Electoral Commission a call on 1300 24 86 83 and vote over the phone.
If you are unable to vote, you can expect to receive an apparent failure to vote notice. To avoid a fine, you will need to provide reason for failing to vote which will be assessed by the Commission as a ‘sufficient’ reason on a case-by-case basis.
Also, as the Moree East Public School is being utilised as an evacuation centre for residents of Boggabilla and Toomelah, you will not be able to vote there tomorrow. In place of this location, you are now able to vote at the Moree Shae Academy, 114 Anne Street, Moree.
If you have any questions, please contact the NSW Electoral Commission directly.
Local Government Elections will be held on Saturday 4 December 2021
The NSW Government announced a new date for the local government elections has been set for Saturday 4 December 2021.
The decision has been made after extensive consultation with and on advice from the NSW Electoral Commission and NSW Health to the COVID-19 situation.
The Local Government Election 2021 website is now live and provides a range of information on the upcoming election.
Under the Local Government Act 1993, Council elections are held on the second Saturday in September every 4 years. By-elections are conducted periodically when a Councillor vacancy occurs.
Moree Plains Shire Council will be using the NSW Electoral Commission to conduct its election on 4 December 2021.
To enrol to vote or update your enrolment details
Councillors are elected by their local community to represent community views on Council, provide leadership and make sure local needs are met.
To assist Councillors in their role Moree Plains Shire Council has in place a Community Strategic Plan which outlines what we want and needs as a community now and as the Shire grows. It is the highest level forward planning document of Council. Council’s Community Strategic Plan, identifies the community’s priorities and guides the direction of the Moree Plains Shire into the future.
A Councillor’s role is important. The decisions a councillor makes and the services provided by Councils can impact our lives, our local community and our local environment.
The election for Moree Plains Shire Council is being held on 4 December 2021. In the lead up to the election, there are some timelines that must be met if you are planning on nominating for election to Council. Some key election dates and information for prospective candidates are provided below:
25 Oct 2021 Close of electoral rolls (6pm) Candidate nominations open
26 Oct 2021 Lodgement of postal vote applications open
03 Nov 2021 Close of candidate nominations (12pm) Registration of electoral materials commences
04 Nov 2021 Conduct of ballot paper draw at 10.00am
05 Nov 2021 Caretaker period commences
22 Nov 2021 Pre-poll voting opens - iVote applications & voting opens
26 Nov 2021 Registration of electoral material closes (5pm)
27 Nov 2021 Declared institution voting commences
29 Nov 2021 Postal vote applications close (5pm)
03 Dec 2021 Declared institution voting closes (6pm) - Pre-poll voting closes (6pm)
04 Dec 2021 Election day (8am-6pm)
04 Dec 2021 iVote application close 1.00pm
04 Dec 2021 iVote voting closes 6.00pm
17 Dec 2021 Return of postal votes closes (6pm)
21 – 23 Dec 2021 Results are declared progressively as counts are finalised by-election manager
The Candidate Handbook, located under 'Step1'.
The placement of signs associated with elections is regulated under the Election Act 2017 and State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
For details on where election signage can and cannot be erected see below for detailed information re the placement of election signs.
Being a Councillor can be rewarding because it provides an opportunity to make decisions that help people within the local community, influence the long-term, strategic direction of a local community, learn new skills such as public speaking and advocacy, and work with a diverse range of people on a wide range of issues. More information can be found on the Office of Local Government website
Women make up just over half of the population but only about a third of Councillors in local government in NSW. Women can connect with many different groups in the community and bring diverse views to Council. Council encourages women to stand for election to have a direct say in council decisions that influence the lives of people, families and communities.
The Office of Local Government has produced information regarding the election of women to local government
Our local communities are diverse, however, women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people with a disability and young people, are under-represented on local Councils. The Office of Local Government has developed a range of resources aimed at increasing the representation of our diverse communities on local councils.
The Stand for your Community Candidate Guide contains a range of information on becoming and being a councillor and can be accessed from the Office of Local Government website.
In the lead up to the 2021 Local Government Elections, a series of candidate information sessions, via webinar, are being hosted by the NSW Electoral Commission for those people interested in standing for election
The webinars are being held from April to August 2021 and cover the following topics:
Election overview
Election funding and disclosure
Registration of candidates, groups, and third-party campaigners
Electoral material (also known as how-to-vote material)
Nomination process
Early voting and election day voting
Candidate workers and scrutineers
Counting and results
Access to the webinars
Pre-election candidate briefing workshops
Pre-election candidate registration form
The NSW Electoral Commission oversees election funding and disclosure requirements.
A range of information and fact sheets are available on the website for candidates and groups at the 2021 NSW Local Government elections covering the provisions of the Electoral Funding Act 2018.
See above link.
To apply for the non-residential roll contact Council on (02) 6757 3222 or email Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Non residential rolls - Information for Councils
Nomination of an elector by joint or several corporate or trustee owners occupiers or ratepaying lessees
Individual owners occupiers and ratepaying lessees
ALGWA measures its success by the number of women encouraged to join Local Government.
Local Government NSW (LGNSW) is an independent organisation that exists to serve the interests of New South Wales general and special purpose councils. LGNSW advocates on behalf of member councils to help strengthen and protect an effective, democratic system of local government across NSW.
The placement of signs associated with elections can cause concern for the community. Council regulates the placement of advertising signs for private businesses, requiring them only to be located on land where the business is operating, or where the product is sold and restricts their size.
Election signs are not subject to the same scrutiny and are regulated under the Election Act 2017 and State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
The Election Act (section 184) requires that advertising material, including signs and posters, cannot be displayed on or within land or buildings occupied, used by, or under the control or management of the Crown, NSW Government agencies, or a Council. Additionally, advertising on private land or buildings can only be undertaken with the written consent of the owner, or the property is owned or jointly owned by the candidate.
The Act also allows for posters to be displayed:
a) on the outer wall, fence or another boundary of the grounds of an enclosure in which a building used for voting is situated, or
b) within the grounds of an enclosure in which a building used for voting is situated, or
c) on a vehicle on a road or road-related area (within the meaning of section 4 (1) of the Road Transport Act 2013), or
d) fixed or attached to a table or stall on a footpath or other public place at any time on the day of voting for an election
The State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (Subdivision 13 (Election signs) of Division 2 of Part 2) establishes standards relating to the sign’s location and display period.
It is Council’s interpretation that election posters cannot, therefore, be erected/placed:
on trees;
on footpath areas; or
on any structure within a road reserve.
The relevant sections of legislation can be downloaded below:
Election Act 2017
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008
Expressions of interest are now open to working at the elections in September. Working at an election is a great way for members of the community to earn money, learn new skills and deliver democracy by helping people to have their say. There are positions available during the election period and on Election Day itself. More information, including position descriptions, pay rates, and the link to apply, can be found on the NSW Electoral Commission website.