Water Notices
By now, water notices for the fourth quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year would usually have arrived in mailboxes across the Shire.
Moree Plains Shire Council would like to advise water users that the Quarter 4 water notices have been delayed and notices are currently being processed and lodged with Australia Post, with the mail-outs to be finalised this week.
We like to remind residents that this billing cycle will also include readings from the quarter three instalment, due to COVID and technical difficulties in establishing the new automated system within Council. Moree Plains Shire Council thanks you for your patience during this time.
The payment due date has been extended until 20 August 2021, with interest not applying on these bills until after this time.
If you would like to make a payment this financial year, please contact Council council@mpsc.nsw.gov.au or (02) 6757 3222.
If ratepayers would like to receive their notices electronically they are able to register via Payreq at https://go.payreq.com create an account and link to Moree Plains Shire Council for rates and water notices.
Council encourages any business or residence who might encounter issues satisfying their obligations for payment for their water notice or who is otherwise experiencing financial hardship to contact Council’s Rates Department (02) 6757 3222.