Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Sewerage Test Results – Good News for the Community of Moree Plains Shire Council

Following the detection of COVID-19 fragments in the Moree sewerage system, the additional testing done at Sydney Water yesterday has come back with a negative reading.

“I know there has been understandable anxiety since the first report of traces of COVID-19 in our sewerage and this will come as a great relief to our communities in the Moree Plains, but this must not stop us from being compliant and doing the right thing. I urge you all to get tested, get vaccinated, and follow the stay-at-home rules, where possible”.

A visiting person to a rural property in the Moree Plains Shire over the weekend had received a positive result to COVID-19 from a test done in their hometown. That person has since left the Moree Plains Shire and any close contacts on the rural property are now isolating and being monitored.

Everyone is being urged to monitor for symptoms and if they appear, immediately get tested and isolate until a negative result is received.

For more information about the latest health advice, please visit the NSW Health website >>https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/

The community is encouraged to regularly check Council’s social media channels for any updates regarding Council’s services and sewerage results.

Keep safe, get tested, and get vaccinated!

Kind Regards,
General Manager, Lester Rodgers


