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Sandbags on Balo Street Update

Council has completed Balo Street’s centre median island tree planting trials and will not be pursuing the plan any further. Instead, the project’s funding will be used to provide other pedestrian safety upgrades to Moree’s CBD.

Acting Engineering Director Alan Lawrance said feedback from the community was taken into consideration for the decision.

“As part of Council’s Main Street Masterplan, the Balo Street concept was explored following endorsement from the Urban Advisory Committee (UAC) and Council are now looking at other pedestrian safety and tree planting options in conjunction with other main street improvements”, said Alan.

Council voted to support four other new projects at last Thursday’s Council Meeting, pending Local Traffic Committee approval. Each will enhance Moree’s CBD and provide a significant increase in pedestrian safety.

“The projects include providing raised pedestrian thresholds (wombat crossings) to two of the existing Balo Street pedestrian crossings and pram ramps near the Memorial Hall.

“Heber Street will get a second landscaped centre island median, this one between Balo Street and Roslyn Lane. It’ll match the existing one between Balo Street and Wesley Lane.

“Also new disabled parking and pram ramps will be installed in front of the War Memorial Education Centre, improving accessibility to the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre and RSL Military Museum. This coincides with the introduction of angled parking on both sides of Balo Street, which Council previously approved”, added Alan.

Funding has been provided as part of the Phase Two grant from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program.


