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Carrigan Road is Open for Business

Carrigan RoadCarrigan Road2








The Carrigan Road Upgrade Project is complete and an opening ceremony for it was held last Thursday, October 7. The $14 million project, that sealed 56 km of gravel road, had been underway for the last three years and was made possible thanks to the NSW Government, Moree Plains Shire Council, and local industry.

Council’s Acting Director of Engineering Alan Lawrance was happy with the project’s outcome.

“Carrigan Road is the result of hard work and persistence. We’re proud of what’s been accomplished here and the upgrades will transform the way the district operates”, said Mr. Lawrance.

“On average, Carrigan Road was closed for around 33 days per year due to flooding after moderate rainfall. The upgrade will improve access for production and education.”

Carrigan Road (MR507) connects Boomi and Mungindi and is part of a large agricultural transport network. Part of the project’s aim was to provide a reliable transport corridor and safe, all-weather access to ag businesses in the area.

Mr. Lawrance added, “It’s going to be good for emergency services as well. They’ll now be able to get people in and out of the area quicker and safer”.

The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) provided a single $3.5 million grant in June 2018 to get the first 13 km of the project started.

Carrigan Road3In January 2019, the NSW Government supplied another $10.5 million in funding to finish the upgrade. Council contributed a further $1,065,000 and local industry put in $155,000.

In the past, Council had approached the Federal and State Governments with proposals asking for assistance.

Local farmers and residents have pushed for a bitumen road since the 1990s. Because of the cost involved, it was a project Council could never fund alone. However, industry support for the road upgrade helped to secure the funding.

Carrigan Road is the last rural road to be sealed in the Shire.

Photo (from left): Council staff member John Mather, local residents/project advocates Ruth Hickson and Wendi Carrigan, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall, Deputy Mayor Greg Smith, and Council staff member Jeff Fing.
