Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Sewage Test Results

This morning, Friday 22 October 2021 Moree’s most recent sewage test results have returned a positive reading for COVID-19 fragments. Council advises that the results of the positive detection reading came through at 8:15 am.

Moree Mayor, Katrina Humphries, and General Manager, Lester Rodgers encourage people to go get tested and vaccinated.
Additional sewage samples are being submitted for testing at Sydney Water. The results will be made available to the community once we are advised of the results.

Keep safe, get tested, and get vaccinated.

COVID Testing
Testing for COVID-19 is being conducted at the Moree Gateway by Pius X today until 3.30pm.
Testing at the Moree Gateway will recommence Monday 8.30am to 3.30pm.

Testing and vaccinations will be available at the walk-in COVID testing clinic at the Moree District Hospital on Saturday.
✅ Vaccinations are available Saturday 10am to 12.45pm
✅ Testing 9am to 12pm
✅ There is no need to book in.
✅ Face masks must be worn

COVID dose for 12 - 15-Year-Old's 💉
This weekend Moree District Hospital COVID-19 vaccination clinic is participating in NSW Health’s ‘12–15-year-old Walk-in Weekend,’ encouraging young people to receive a first or second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Young people can turn up at the Moree Hospital COVID clinic on Saturday between 10 am and 12.30 pm.
Consent is required from a parent or guardian at the appointment.


