Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Message from the Mayor and Councillors

Councillor Humphries garbDear Sad Community,

In light of the dreadful infection rates in Moree and its surroundings, we are requesting that we all stay at home wherever possible, work from home if possible, shut our shops and get off the streets. We need to take the pressure off our medical teams and try to take the sting out of this awful situation we are in. I call for this voluntary 'Get off the streets' to start as quickly as possible this evening, Thursday 4 November for review on Monday, 8 November 2021.

Our COVID cases are doubling daily and there is a lack of QR coding information because some reckless people have not been following the health guidelines. There has been no directive - to date -  from NSW Health and it is obvious to me that we have an enormous issue that is running rampant through our community.

Residents of Moree and surroundings, stay at home unless you need to get tested, need medical help or emergency supplies; or if you are an essential services provider and/or agricultural/harvest workers. The harvest season is underway and this really needs to continue. We need to look after ourselves and we need to be proactive.

The virus is here and what we have feared all along has now come to fruition. We simply have to give ourselves a chance to beat it.

Kind Regards,

Mayor Katrina Humphries, Cr Kerry Cassells, Cr Stephen Ritchie, Cr Jim Crawford, Cr George Chiu, and Cr Mike Montgomery AM. (At the time of release Cr JohnTramby was uncontactable.)

