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Message from the Mayor and Hunter New England Health

Good afternoon Moree and District Residents,

This afternoon Hunter New England Health Senior staff and I had a very productive Skype hook-up and we have some really good initiatives to inform you about.

This Saturday, Sunday, and Monday there will be a walk-in COVID testing site located at the old ‘Picone Unit’ on Alice Street side of Moree Hospital. The testing unit will be open from 7 am to 5 pm daily.

Tuesday (9 November) there will be an additional drive-through testing site available at the Moree Showgrounds, both sites will operate for as long as need be.

Furthermore, there will be a walk-in ‘vaccination hub’ on the western side of the Moree Hospital.

The best access for this hub is via the Alice Street ramp, (full disabled access) walk along the covered walkway to the ‘vax hub’ on the northern end of the walkway (it will be well signed).

In more good news, we have extra teams of health staff coming to assist our local hospital and community staff, which we thank them kindly for coming to Moree to assist our community.

Also from Tuesday (9 November), there will be a mobile vaccination unit travelling around our community. Please make them welcome if they come to a street near you, but even more importantly ensure you get vaccinated if not already.Mayor and Hunter New England Health

Please take care, be responsible, get tested, get vaccinated.

We would all like this to be over this for Christmas, we can’t do it without your help.

Kind Regards,
Mayor Katrina Humphries
Moree Plains Shire Council


