Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Message From the Mayor

Councillor Humphries garbDear Community,

As the rain falls and the focus shifts, sadly it is now the northern areas of the Moree Plains that are going to become inundated.

There are a few different models but the best one is local knowledge. It has the Macintyre-Barwon system (and all tributaries) on high alert.

Please take care with river water as our environment is already saturated. There are enormous dangers with fast flowing water, debris and submerged logs, not to mention the snakes and spiders that are also seeking higher ground.

As I sign off from Council, I plead with you all to stay safe, don’t risk your life in flood waters, check your stock now, manage your low-lying areas while it is safe to do so, get your scripts filled and make sure you have supplies. We do have time on our side so please be prepared for the worst-case scenario but hope for something less.

Help and support are stretched to the limit with the magnitude of this wet season and everyone is already working overtime. Please help yourselves as much as possible, keep an eye on your neighbours and know where your kids are. As always, we will get through this but we need to focus on keeping ourselves and those around us safe.

Kind Regards, 
Mayor Katrina Humphries
Moree Plains Shire Council


