What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Nominate Someone for the Moree Plains Shire's 2022 Australia Day Awards 

Know a local superhero/heroine who’s been doing an amazing job? You can honour them by nominating them for the Moree Plains Shire’s 2022 Australia Day Awards.

Nominations are open until January 7 for these distinguished categories:
🇦🇺 Citizen of the Year
🇦🇺 Young Citizen of the Year (20 years old or younger)
🇦🇺 Volunteer Group/Sports Group of the Year
🇦🇺 Community Event/Group of the Year
🇦🇺 Sports Person of the Year
🇦🇺 Volunteer of the Year
🇦🇺 Environmental Citizen of the Year

Moree Plains Shire Council’s Community Development/Liaison Officer Jacqui Moore said the awards are a great way to show appreciation for individuals and groups who have made a significant voluntary contribution in 2021 and have given something extra to the Moree community.
“We live in a welcoming community and I encourage people to nominate that special volunteer(s) who has gone that extra mile. Their efforts should be recognised”, said Ms Moore.
“A nomination shows a nominee they’re celebrated by the whole community and that their work is felt far further than they realise.”
Nomination forms can be found HERE .
Alternatively, hard copies can be picked up at the Moree Community Library or Council’s Customer Service at the Max Centre.
Completed nomination forms need to be returned no later than 5 pm Friday, January 7, 2022, to the Moree Community Library or Council’s Customer Service Centre. They can also be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


