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Reports for Next Ordinary Council Meeting

Next week’s Ordinary Council Meeting (21/4/22)  includes two reports that are likely to be of interest to the community. For more information on these and the other matters being considered next Thursday, please refer to the agenda for the meeting.

Council will be considering a recommendation to apply to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for an Additional Special Variation (ASV ) for the 2022/23 Financial Year. IPART has previously allowed Councils across the state to apply a 0.7% rate rise. Council will be considering whether to apply to increase this to a 2.5% rate rise as offered by the State Government. This will assist Council to maintain levels of service and fund planned critical infrastructure works (such as unsealed road grading). Should Council determine to make an application for an ASV, and is successful, this would form part of Council’s Operational Plan and Budget that will be on public display for community feedback from 19 May 2022. IPART will also accept comments from the community in considering Council’s application. 

Council will also be considering a Report on the Floodplain Risk Management Committee.
This Committee is an important Committee of Council and the report to be considered is recommending that the membership structure be returned to that advised by the Floodplain Development Manual. The recommendations include the committee is led by an independent chair, includes four community members, an indigenous representative with appointments chosen on skills and merit. The four community positions will be selected through an expression of interest process. A feature of the report and recommendations is members will need to demonstrate an understanding of governance.

Scot MacDonald
Acting General Manager


