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Reporting to Council

Council maintains multiple public spaces and amenities and we appreciate community feedback.

Letting us know about an issue, keeps us better informed and, in return, strengthens our commitment to providing the best public facilities to the Shire as possible.

You know what’s happening in your neighbourhood, so if you notice something that’s not right, report it. Council can monitor the problem, get it fixed or clean it up.

We want to keep the community safe, but we need your help to let us know what’s wrong.

Report if you see:

  • Dumped (illegal) rubbish
  • Wandering or vicious dogs
  • Graffiti, damage or vandalism
  • Footpath issues or potholes
  • Discarded needles
  • Road safety issues
  • OR any other concerns you have

If you have an issue, that you would like to report to Council, contact our Customer Service team. Phone 6757 3222 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Alternatively, report directly to Council through the Snap, Send, Solve app.

Free to download from the App Store and Google Play, and available online, Snap Send Solve eliminates the complexity of knowing where and how to report incidents on the spot by enabling users to capture and send photos of issues that need attention - from cracked pavements, illegal dumping of rubbish to water faults.


