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Missing a bin?

Bins in the ShireWe would like to ask residents to ensure that your bins are kept inside your yard, hidden or locked away and where possible bring them in from the kerb as soon as possible after collection day.

If your bin has gone astray, check the surrounding streets/properties to see if the bin can be relocated.

If you are unable to find your bin, please contact Moree Plains Shire Council to report a stolen or missing residential garbage, recycling or garden organics wheelie (02) 6757 3222 or alternatively download the MPSC WASTE app from the App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android.

Due to an increase in the number of missing Council issued wheelie bins we are asking residents to keep a lookout for crimes relating to bin theft and report to the Moree Police Station on 02 6757 0799 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.

Removing a bin from private property is not a victimless crime.  It costs Council impacting the community through reduced service delivery and higher operational expenses that are passed on to residents.  


