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Have Your Say: Moree Town Centre Beautification Project

Beautification 01aCouncil is calling for community feedback for the Heber Street centre island and Balo and Gwydir Streets intersection blister concepts currently being trialled.

Heber Street’s olive tree–lined centre island concept is intended to discourage oversized off-route vehicles from entering Moree’s CBD as well as improving the area’s visual aesthetic. The centre island would be between Balo Street and Roslyn Lane and would mirror those already installed on Heber Street in front of the Max Centre and National Australia Bank.

The blisters being trialled on the corner of Balo and Gwydir Streets are designed to improve pedestrian safety and to make it easier for people to cross the street.

The feedback gathered from the community will help determine how to best move forward facelifting the streets and improving pedestrian safety.

Submissions will be accepted until 5 pm on Monday 16 May.

Please email submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to General Manager, PO BOX 420, Moree NSW 2400. Please address them with the subject line ‘Moree Town Centre Beautification Project’.

Beautification_02a.jpgFor further information, please contact Council on 6757 3222.


