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Nominations for the Moree Plains Elders Honour Roll 2022 Are Now Open

Council is calling for nominations for Elders who have been building a cross-cultural understanding through their work in the Shire for the 2022 Moree Elders Honour Roll.

In a partnership between Council and the Moree Reconciliation Committee, the Honour Roll started in 2017 and recognises the Elders who are helping to build better relationships between Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and the wider Australian community for the benefit of everyone.

Council’s Community Development/Liaison Officer Jacqui Moore said the Honour Roll is a great way to celebrate the Elders who have contributed to reconciliation in the Moree Plains Local Government Area.

“Both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal community Elders who create positive change by coming up with innovative ideas and actions that make a difference should be appreciated”, said Ms Moore.

“The Honour Roll is open to nominees 65 years and older. Elders who have passed away can still be put forward by family members too.”

Honour Roll submissions will be accepted until 5 pm on Friday 27 May.

To nominate, simply fill out a nomination form and emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or drop a hardcopy into Council’s Customer Service Centre (30 Heber Street, Level 2, Max Centre, Moree).

Nomination forms can be downloaded here.

For more information, please contact Council on 6757 3222 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


