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Thank You Moree Plains, Your Community Strategic Plan Is Ready

Community Strategic Plan 2032Council resolved at the Ordinary Council Meeting, on Thursday 19 May to endorse the Moree Plains Community Strategic Plan 2032 (CSP).

Our Moree Plains, Our Vision to 2032 is a 10-year plan that sets our shared community vision and identifies the priorities and goals for the Shire. Council is required to review the CSP with the community after each Local Government Election.

“We would like to thank everyone who participated in the community engagement processes over the past few months, providing valuable input into the development of this Plan.

“The Community Strategic Plan is the plan determined by you, the community, to direct what kind of future you want for the Moree Plains.

“Throughout the consultation period, you told us you want Moree Plains to be vibrant, inclusive and proud of its rich culture and environment. You said you wish our community to be sustainable and to have a thriving economy full of opportunity.

“The CSP is a roadmap for just that, and we encourage the community to read and help us implement the Plan so, together, we can achieve our shared community vision,” said Mayor Johnson.

The implementation of the CSP is guided by a suite of integrated plans that include specific actions Council will undertake to support the strategies identified in the CSP.

The CSP supporting documentsCouncil’s draft Delivery Program 2022-26 and draft Operational Plan and Budget 2022-23 will soon be going on public exhibition and we will be asking you to review and add feedback to these important documents.

“Many of the community’s specific ideas on how we address the challenges facing the Shire, such as liveability or safety, are reflected in these supporting documents. We look forward to your comments as we gear up to a busy year ahead, putting these plans into action and delivering for the Moree Plains” added Mayor Johnson.

View the Community Strategic Plan Engagement Outcomes report.

Hardcopies are also available at Customer Service, Level 1, 30 Heber Street, Moree Moree Community Library and Mungindi Library.

For any other enquiries, please contact Council on 6757 3222.


 Photograph by Heidi Morris 


