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Draft - Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023

Draft_Operational_Plan_and_Budget.pngdraft Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023

At its Extraordinary Council Meeting on 23 May 2022, Council resolved to place the draft Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023 on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

The draft Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023 includes the budget for both operational and capital projects, the rates structure and proposed fees and charges for Council facilities and services.

A hard copy of the Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023 is available from Council’s customer service centres in Moree, Mungindi and the Moree Community Library.

Your feedback and comments are welcomed and can be submitted to the General Manager, Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400. Comments can also be submitted to Council by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 4pm Monday 20 June 2022.

Further enquiries in relation to the Operational Plan and Budget 2022-2023 should be directed to Victoria Dawson on (02) 6757 3222.

  View our Snapshots of the Budget 

Snapshot of the 22 23 Budget

Snapshot - Budget 22/23
Snapshot - Community Buildings
Snapshot - Community Programs
Snapshot - Open Spaces
Snapshot - Pools
Snapshot - Rural Roads
Snapshot - Urban Roads




