Water Disruptions for Shire Villages Over the Next Two Weeks
Moree Plains Shire Council wishes to advise there will be water service interruptions for Shire villages from 1–15 July while essential maintenance is carried out on water mains. Water interruptions will be between 7 am and 5 pm and households could be affected for up to two hours.
Dates (Approximate)
Council recommends the following steps to ensure a smooth transition:
Prior to interruption
• Ensure there is sufficient water stored for drinking and other use prior to the interruption
• If possible, turn off the water supply at the water meter
During Interruption
• Do not operate taps or water using appliances—turn off immediately if this should occur
After interruption
• Turn water on at the meter
• Turn on all outdoor taps and then indoor taps for two minutes or until the water is clean
• If milky-looking water continues to be seen, please don’t be alarmed—This is caused by air-bubbles and will settle down after a period
• Please ensure water is clean prior to using any appliances, such as washing machines, and follow manufacturers’ recommendations—If this action is not taken, dirty water from the cleaning process may stain fittings and/or clothing
Council apologises for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any questions, please contact Council on 6757 3222 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..