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Live Traffic NSW Now the One-Stop-Shop for Everything Traffic

As of 1 July 2022, Live Traffic NSW has become the definitive road information centre as the online resource MyRoadInfo is phased out.

Moree Plains Shire Council Acting Director of Engineering Lila Fisher said, “While MyRoadInfo is being retired, Live Traffic NSW has been updated and will be more convenient and easier to navigate for users”.

“From 1 July, any community member clicking on the MyRoadInfo website will be redirected to Live Traffic NSW”, explained Mrs. Fisher.

Mrs. Fisher said Live Traffic NSW is more robust and has been designed to handle and process higher volumes of data, especially during extreme weather events.

“The new system builds upon its reputation of providing users with the most up-to-date information and will now give even greater peace of mind because the data presented is as close to real-time as possible”, noted Mrs. Fisher.

“With Live Traffic NSW, drivers will be able to make informed travel decisions, plans and complete their journeys safely.”

“The system will evolve further over time as new features and functionality are incorporated”, added Mrs. Fisher.

“Transport for NSW, who operate Live Traffic, are also finalising the development of a new online “central hub” platform where each Local Government Area can upload their data directly for it to be shared on the system, which will streamline processes further again.”

To access the latest information on Moree Plains Shire roads, please head to . Live Traffic NSW is a compendium of state and local road status updates, which also incorporates data from emergency service feeds in times of crisis.


