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The Moree Draft Delivery Plan for the Moree Special Activation Precinct - Now on Exhibition

SAP delivery plan The master plan for the Moree Special Activation Precinct (SAP) was finalised in March this year, along with $194 million investment by the NSW government for delivery of the precinct.

The next step for the NSW government was to prepare a delivery plan for the precinct.  The draft delivery plan for the Moree Special Activation Precinct is now on public exhibition and open for feedback until 1 August 2022.

The purpose of the precinct is to attract and grow innovative businesses, create employment opportunities, and stimulate the regional economy in line with the vision and aspirations of the precinct outlined in the precinct’s master plan, the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts-Regional) 2021 (Precincts-Regional SEPP) and the delivery plan.

Investors benefit from accessing the technical studies that have already been undertaken by the government as part of the master planning for the precinct to ensure development proposals meet the performance criteria outlined in the master plan, the Precincts-Regional SEPP and the delivery plan. 

The delivery plan sets out criteria for the precinct’s design, landscaping, infrastructure planning, delivery and proposal assessment, in line with the Precincts-Regional SEPP and the Moree precinct master plan.

The NSW State government encourages businesses already located in the precinct, and potential investors to visit  to download the draft delivery plan and lodge a submission by 11:59pm on 1 August 2022.

Special Activation Precincts are part of the $4.2 billion Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund, dedicated to major and transformative infrastructure projects that will benefit regional NSW.

For more information please contact:
T  1300 REGION (734 466)
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