What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Integrated and Designated Development Application DA2022/39

Moree Plains Shire Council is currently considering an application from Norland Pastoral Pty Ltd for Extractive Industry - Gravel Quarry on 17339 Newell Highway MOREE, Terry Hie Hie Road MOREE, LOT: 2 DP: 1267154, LOT: 7 DP: 240401, LOT: 2 DP: 546424, LOT: 1 DP: 1087372, LOT: 2 DP: 1087372, LOT: 10 DP: 240401, LOT: 3 DP: 1087372.

This application is Integrated Development as approval is required from the NSW Environmental Protection Authority under sections 43(a), 47 and 55 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. The application is also a Designated Development under Schedule 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.

The development application and accompanying documents can be viewed HERE  and on the NSW Planning Portal for a period of 28 days commencing on 07 July 2022 and finishing on 05 August 2022.

Any person may make a written submission with respect to the proposed development clearly stating their name and address and should the submission be an objection, the grounds must be specified.

Submissions must be made in writing to the General Manager and can be lodged electronically, by mail or fax before 5.00pm on 05 August 2022.

Please note that submissions may be disclosed to Councillors, council officers, consultants to council or members of the public in accordance with Section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Submissions, summaries of submissions and names and addresses of persons making submissions may also be included in publicly available reports relating to the development application. Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Council must also allow inspection of any submissions it receives and allow persons to make copies.

However, if you consider that disclosure of your place of living would put your or your family’s personal safety at risk, you can apply to Council under Section 739 of the Local Government Act 1993 which requires that requests for protection of privacy be made in writing to the General Manager. The request is to give particulars of the relevant risk to the person and are to be verified by a statutory declaration by the person making the request or by some other person.

A person who makes a submission by way of objection and who is dissatisfied with Council’s determination to grant development consent may appeal to the Land and Environment Court under Section 98 of the Act. If a Commission of Inquiry is held the determination is final and not subject to appeal under Section 98 of the Act.

It is a requirement that all Political Donations and Gifts are reported to Council by completing the Disclosure Statement form 


