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Changes to Parking in Moree’s CBD

As of Monday 25 July, construction works will commence in Moree’s central business district (CBD) to install new angled parking, an additional disability parking space, a second Loading Zone and a new bus stop/No Parking Zone. The works will also bring some changes to parking controls in the area.

As part of a project designed to provide better access to the CBD, Acting Director of Engineering Lila Fisher said the new improvements will cater to all types of community members and visitors.

“Removing the bus stop at the Heber and Frome Streets intersection will accommodate for six new angled car parks, providing more parking just a short walk to shops”, said Ms. Fisher.

“Additionally, the installation of a new disability parking space on Balo Street—in front of the National Australia Bank (NAB)—will make it easier for people with mobility issues to access the Moree Memorial Hall, library or CBD.”

Changes to Parking in Morees CBDA new bus stop outside the Moree Memorial Hall will be installed and will be a No Parking Zone, which will allow motorists to stop for up to two minutes to drop off/pick up passengers or to load/unload items.

A second Loading Zone on Heber Street, which will be outside the old Imperial Hotel building, will be introduced. This Loading Zone will provide businesses that do not have rear-shop access with a faster and better means for taking deliveries. Delivery vehicles will be allowed to use the zone for up to 30 minutes while goods are loaded or unloaded. Cars can also use the loading zone but only to stop briefly for passengers to be dropped off or picked up.

“The additional parking spaces, bus stop, Loading Zone and parking control measures will streamline CBD operations and will give more people the opportunity to visit the CBD”, added Ms. Fisher.

Ms. Fisher noted that new signs will be installed at the bus stop and Loading Zone indicating parking control changes to both locations.

The construction works and parking control changes will be phased in over the next three months.

The project has been made possible thanks to funding from Phase Two of the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program.

These works follow other recent changes to Moree’s CBD that improved pedestrian safety and the area’s aesthetics, such as the installation of a new olive tree–lined centre island on Heber Street, traffic blisters on the Balo and Gwydir Streets intersection, a mural that honours military service personnel and a pram ramp on the footpath in front of the Moree Memorial Hall.

For more in-depth information on NSW parking rules, please head to the NSW Government website.

Photograph: The site of the new bus stop outside the Moree Memorial Hall.


