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OPEN - Stronger Country Communities Funding 

Calling all community groups!

stronger countryThe Stronger Country Communities fund is currently open and $450 992 has been allocated to community organisations in Moree Plains Shire for local community and sporting infrastructure, street beautification, projects that improve accessibility and inclusion for people with disability, projects that improve outcomes for Aboriginal people, community programs and local events. Eligible community applicants are community organisations registered as incorporated associations, not-for-profit community organisations registered as public companies and Local Aboriginal Land Councils.

Eligible Applicants must have or be able and willing to purchase at least $20 million in public liability insurance.

Eligible Applicants are encouraged to work with key local stakeholders including their local Members of Parliament, local council, peak sporting or cultural organisations to identify priority projects in their Local Government Area to ensure projects with high community support are submitted. Applications close on 23 September 2022 at 5pm.

For more information, please visit

The Department of Regional NSW can offer support and assistance for Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 5 applicants. Please contact their team on 1300 679 673 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are interested in a project partnership with Moree Plains Shire Council, please contact Senior Grants Officer/ Economic Development Officer, Carly Cosh on 02 6757 3442 or Economic Development Coordinator, Samita Rai, on 02 6757 3443


