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Bee Alert - Amaroo Pathway 

We wish to advise that there are currently active beehives situated around the Amaroo shared pathways, people in the area should be mindful of their activity.1_1.png

First Aid for Bee Strings  


You may experience the following signs and symptoms:
1. Instant and intense burning pain in the sting area
2. A red spot at the sting area
3. Swelling around the sting area
4. Redness


  1. Follow DRSABCD  (Danger, Response, Send, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation)    
  2. Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the sting area       
  3. Seek medical assistance if required

If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact Council’s Engineering Department on 02 6757 3222.

Source - How To Provide First Aid For Bites And Stings | St John Vic


