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Check The 'Live Traffic' Website for Road Conditions 

**The Carnarvon Highway between Mungindi and Moree is NOW OPEN, to High Clearance 4WD and Trucks ONLY under a reduced speed limit of 10 km/h. An alternate route for small vehicles is via Carrigan Road to Boggabilla joining the Newell Highway or reverse, proceed with CAUTION.

** The Gwydir highway at the Pecan Nut Farm is NOW OPEN between Pallamallawa and Biniguy. 

** Additionally, the back Pally Road is closed with water over the road. 

** Extreme caution is to be used for the Carnarvon Highway, with water over the road at Byra and over the road at various locations between Yarraman and Ashley. 

For further updates please see life traffic NSW -  website


