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Council’s Mark Connolly Runner Up for Economic Achievement Award

Mark_Connelly.jpgIn Sydney last night, Regional Activation Unit Executive Manager Mark Connolly was runner-up for the Peter Chaffey Leadership Award at the National Economic Development 2022 Awards for Excellence.

The Leadership Award recognises individuals who have displayed exceptional work and achievements in economic development and Mark has been instrumental in leading the Moree Plains community through multiple once-in-a-generation projects, like the Inland Rail and SAP.

Having worked at Council for more than 18 years, Mark’s roles have spanned government administration, business liaising, project management, economic development and more recently heading up the Regional Activation Unit.

In his current role and at $194 million, Mark has helped the Moree Plains secure the single largest NSW Government infrastructure investment in its history. This funding for the SAP keeps the region on track to become an economic powerhouse of northern NSW.

Congratulations, Mark, on your achievements, personally and for the betterment of the Shire.


