Message from the Mayor
Thursday 20 October 2022
Over the last 48 hours, I have had the opportunity to be in attendance with the team at Council specifically in relation to the flood risk we were and potentially are still facing.
It was very comforting given my inexperience in such situations to be surrounded by the years of experience, local knowledge and previous flood expertise within the room. I am left feeling reassured that should a flood event occur, we have procedures and protocols in place to be as prepared as we can be.
At this stage, Moree is okay (subject to the threat of thunderstorms) but I fully understand there will be families outside of our towns and villages that will be impacted. I still encourage residents to be alert, stay prepared and be equipped with essential items. I do however note the current pressure on our supermarkets to keep shelves stocked and ask our residents to be conscious of this when making preparations.
At Council, unless there is a worsening of the situation it will be business as usual and we will continue to keep you informed should that position change.
Council is also very conscious that we are approaching harvest time and we are doing all we can to ensure that work continues in the background to safeguard access during these changing weather conditions.
In the interim please continue to use the Live Traffic and Hazard Watch websites and follow the SES Facebook page.
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life-threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.
I will continue to keep you informed, stay safe.
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• For the latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights visit or phone 1300 945 108 - Rainfall Forecasts:
• For rural animal and livestock assistance, contact your Local Land Services Office on 1300 795 299 or visit
• For road closure information visit:, call 131 701 or contact your Local Council.
• Queensland residents visit for more information.
• Report damaged signs, potholes or other road surface issues. Call 131 700.